Thursday, June 11, 2009

Eating, abusing, and using in America

We didn’t start the fire
But it started exceeding
When we kept on feeding
We didn’t start the fire
No we didn’t want it
Now we cannot stop it

Facebook, Mickey D’s, Freshmen 15, TV
Myspace, Value Menus, Poor economy

Video Games, Processed Foods, Super Size Me, Youtube
Safety Measures, Chocolate Pleasures, No more trampolines

Jerry from Subway, Artificial fish filets
“Fast Food Nation,” Third world starvation, and Type II diabetes

We didn’t start the fire
It was always twisting
The way we see things
We didn’t start the fire
But the superficial notoriety
Is diminishing social piety

Body Image, Diet Pills, Liposuction, and “The Hills”
Counting Calories, Bulimia, and America’s Next Top Model

Paris Hilton, Reality shows, Lindsay Lohan, Brand name clothes
30 second abs, hydroxycut, Protein shakes, to lose that gut

Fashion shows, Cocaine, Anorexia, Lil Wayne
Hollywood, Newport, Beverly Hills, Divorce Court

We didn’t start the fire
It is socially affecting
and needs correcting
We didn’t start the fire
No we didn’t expect
The countless desires to be perfect

Amy Winehouse, Shopaholics, Rehab centers, all symbolic
Bankruptcy, Credit Debts, Foreclosures, and cigarettes

Market crash, real estate and rapidly growing unemployment rates
Obese, starving, and drug addicted people dying every day, what else more do i have to say?

We didn’t start the fire
But when we are gone
Will it still burn on, and on, and on...


The overall theme of this song follows the idea of image vs reality. The reality of America is that there is a growing number of health problems related to weight and that people are looking towards the wrong role models to help them cope with their problems. Celebrities and market products like diet pills are all feeding into the superficial life of easily obtainable perfectionism. These celebrities also have an impact on the general public by showing them a life outside of the norm, and many make the mistake of desperately attempting to reach a similar lifestyle. Drug addiction, increased spending on clothes, alcohol, etc. and lowered morals are all side effects of celebrities such as Paris Hilton being modeled after by the youth. From here the song moves on to the real effects of living such a lifestyle such as drug rehabilitation and the economic crisis. American society is both tricked by hollywood and large corporations into believing there is a seemingly easily obtainable perfect life out there for everyone to claim while ignoring the past ideals that were truly virtuous such as hard work and determination. Only by remembering these past ideals will America be able to over come the weight problem and begin to work towards a better and realistic future

1 comment:

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